Categoria: 2022-2023

Stagione Agonistica 2022-2023

Powerful Interracial Partnerships

As the state grows varied and America moves toward transforming into a minority-majority country, interracial relationships continue to grow. In fact , nearly five years after the Great Court hit down anti-miscegenation laws in Loving v. Virginia, a fifth of all newlyweds betrothed a partner who is a different race using their own in 2013. Whilst Americans practically unanimously accept interracial marriage, the pace is larger among some groups than others, with Asian people more likely to marry outside their own race than black and Mexican men. Individuals with a college degree are also more likely to intermarry, as are people who live in specific areas.

There are many fabulous interracial lovers that have been along for years. One example is usually British imaginative singer David Bowie and Somalia supermodel Iman who were wedded for two years after meeting each other. They have both equally been open about their romance and have helped to encourage others to embrace interracial relationships and marriages.

In addition, American actor Sidney Poitier and Lithuanian actress Joana Shimkus were a famous interracial couple that was in a long-term mixte relationship till their fatalities. They were a fantastic example of how love can easily overcome all obstructions, including racism.

It is vital to keep in mind there are still a large number of families who also do not admit interracial relationships or marriages. This is extremely tough for the couple, specially when they have children. It is necessary to communicate with your household members and stay respectful of their sights.


Le parole della centrale Zuleta dopo la partita di questo scorso weekend contro la De Mitri – Carlo Forti:

“Siamo scese in campo con tanta grinta e determinazione, ma purtroppo non siamo riuscite a vincere o a prendere almeno un punto.

È stata una partita intensa e abbiamo fatto vedere un bel gioco. Siamo consapevoli della situazione in cui ci troviamo, in zona di retrocessione, e questa situazione ci preoccupa molto, ma non vogliamo arrenderci. Dobbiamo rimanere positive e reagire a queste sconfitte in maniera veloce e decisa per trovare la continuità di gioco. Non abbiamo tanto tempo e vogliamo fare di tutto per rimanere in B2.

Siamo pronte a continuare a lavorare duramente e fare del nostro meglio per ottenere i risultati che vogliamo e dare il massimo in ogni partita. Sappiamo di essere una squadra forte e vogliamo dimostrare a tutti, ma soprattutto a noi stesse che possiamo farcela. Continueremo a lavorare sodo e a migliorare, perché sappiamo che con la nostra determinazione e impegno possiamo raggiungere obiettivi positivi”


La partita tra la Ribani Castenaso e la De Mitri Carlo Forti è stata combattuta e intensa, ma alla fine è stata vinta dalla squadra locale per 3 set a 1.

1° set 17 -25

2° set 25-23

3° set 33-31

set 25-19

Effective Interracial Partnerships

As the nation grows varied and America moves toward being a minority-majority country, interracial relationships continue to develop. In fact , nearly five decades after the Best Court hit down anti-miscegenation laws in Loving sixth is v. Virginia, a fifth of most newlyweds betrothed a partner who is an alternate race of their own in 2013. Whilst Americans almost unanimously accept interracial marriage, the interest rate is larger among a lot of groups than others, with Asian individuals more likely to marry outside their particular race than black and Mexican men. Individuals with a college degree can be more likely to intermarry, as are folks who live in certain areas.

There are many delightful interracial lovers that have been at the same time for years. One example is usually British innovative singer David Bowie and Somalia supermodel Iman who were hitched for two years following meeting each other. They have both been open up about their romantic relationship and have helped to encourage others to embrace interracial relationships and marriages.

In addition, American actor Sidney Poitier and Lithuanian actress Joana Shimkus were a famous interracial couple that was in a long-term interracial relationship until their fatalities. They were an excellent example of just how love can overcome all obstructions, including racism.

It is necessary to keep in mind that you have still many families who have do not agree to interracial relationships or perhaps marriages. This is often extremely challenging for the couple, particularly if they have children. It is important to speak with your household members and become respectful of their views.


Porto San Giorgio ci ospita per una delle trasferte più lontane del girone.

Ci aspetta un’altra battaglia…

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Festa della Donna

Oggi celebriamo le donne di tutto il mondo, le nostre guerriere della Ribani Castenaso, le nostre madri, sorelle, figlie, amiche e tutte quelle che ci ispirano con la loro forza, determinazione e grazie.

Il giorno delle donne ci ricorda quanto sia importante continuare a lottare per i diritti delle donne.

AUGURI 💐🌹🌷☀️