Vinta la finalina dalle nostre ragazze del 2006
Complimenti a tutte le ragazze e alle allenatrici Elena e Lucia

Stagione Agonistica 2022-2023
Vinta la finalina dalle nostre ragazze del 2006
Complimenti a tutte le ragazze e alle allenatrici Elena e Lucia
La nostra bimbotta della serie B2 compie oggi 17 anni
Festa a sorpresa delle sue ex compagne di squadre…
Ci salutiamo così come abbiamo cominciato, tanti sorrisi e tanta allegria!!!
Ps.In bocca al lupo per l’esame spampanate del mio !!!!
il coach ILA
Ultimo giorno di minivolley.. e si fa festa!!!!
Grazie a tutti per questo bellissimo anno insieme..
ci vediamo a settembre!!!!
Vittoria della nostra squadra Castenaso contro la squadra Masi per 3 a 2
Ottima vittoria del Castenaso U13 contro la squadra di Medicina per 3 a 0
La squadra A dei 2006 batte 3 a 1 la squadra C dei 2007/2008 aggiudicandosi il 2′ posto nel girone
Brave tutte
Bella vittoria delle nostre 2006, che battono 3 a 1 il VTB.
Castenaso Volley.. Presente!!!!
The ability to clearly communicate your opinions and emotions, share your perspectives and resolve conflicts with your spouse is vital for your relationship. Nevertheless effective connection doesn’t just simply involve speaking – listening is equally important. While you are actively listening to your partner (limiting distractions, zero interrupting and empathetically reflecting back the actual have said) they will feel appraised, understood and that they are your most important. This is the first step toward accurate intimacy.
While there are many diverse reasons that couples is probably not communicating effectively, one of the common is basically because they are struggling to understand every single additional. A lack of understanding can often business lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications which can be damaging for the sake of a relationship.
Another reason for poor communication is that lovers may not have skills to have a healthful conversation about tough topics. A counsellor can help with this by providing strategies, tips and a safe space to go over issues.
In a romantic relationship, good communication allows persons to be more open and honest about their needs and expectations with one another, which can minimise conflict and resentment. In addition, it promotes great emotions these kinds of while empathy and compassion to help with resolving differences and dealing with causes that may happen in a romantic relationship.